Keeping your home warm on cold days is crucial. It’s just as crucial to maintain the high performance of your furnace for as long as possible. Recognizing the needs of your heater on your own can be tricky. Here are some tips on how you can keep your furnace thriving for years.
Get Seasonal Maintenance Done
The best way to give your furnace a longer life expectancy is to consistently have an HVAC professional address any issues that arise. Investing in yearly maintenance for your system is almost always worthwhile. Even if it’s just a yearly cleaning, frequently checking up on your furnace can prevent major problems down the road.
Install a Programmable Thermostat
If you’re away from home during the day and your thermostat is constantly kicking it into overdrive when it doesn’t need to be, your furnace isn’t going to see as long of a life as it should. Having a programmable thermostat installed will automatically adjust the heater’s temperature for you so that you don’t have to worry about doing it yourself.
Keep Ductwork Clean and Sealed
Breaches in ductwork can be responsible for up to 30% of heated and cooled air loss in a home. If dust builds up over long periods of time, it will start becoming an obstruction to the airflow.
Having dirty ductwork poses a number of problems. Not only does it make your furnace work harder and therefore increase your energy bills, but it can also pollute the air indoors.
Having ductwork that’s kept cleaned and sealed will allow your furnace to only work as hard as it needs to, giving it a better chance for a longer, more prosperous life.
No matter what your furnace troubles may entail, our team at Unitedly Service Group in Rochester, MN is at your service every step of the way. With additional services like cooling installation and maintenance, indoor air quality, and boilers, we’re more than just a one-trick pony. Give us a call today! We can hardly wait to get to work on your home.