June 2022 Newsletter

June 16, 2022

10 tips to help your AC system run efficiently! Having central air conditioning will help keep indoor air cool but there are some other things you can do to keep your air conditioning working optimally so your family stays cool.

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How to Stay Cool on the Hottest Days of Summer 2022

June 11, 2022

After a harsh, cold winter here in Rochester, Minnesota, we’re always excited when spring comes. Yet, it isn’t long before it heats up and we’re glad to escape the summer sun in the comfort of our homes. Central air conditioning will help keep indoor air liveable, but there are some other things you can do to keep your AC system working at peak performance — so your family stays cool. Here are a few tips to consider: Keep the blinds closed. When you block direct sunlight from entering your home through the

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Understanding Why the Placement of Your Thermostat Matters

April 18, 2022

Your thermostat is one of the most important aspects of your home. Thermostats monitor the temperature in your home, which always keeps your home at a comfortable temperature. It also sends a signal to your HVAC system to adjust the heat or air to your desired temperature. Many homeowners want to know whether the placement of their thermostat matters. The short answer is yes. Why Thermostat Placement Matters Thermostat placement matters because it can affect the quality of your heat or air. For instance, you should never place your thermostat by a

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How To Order Filters Online

April 11, 2022

We’ve put together a video tutorial to show Rochester, MN area residents how to order filters and other related accessories on our website. Click on the play icon below to see how to order filters and more accessories on the Unitedly Service Group website. Step-by-step guide: Click on the “Shop” icon Choose your filter by brand or size Click on the “See Buying Options” button on the filter you want to order Choose the quantity (free shipping for every

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Why You Should Only Hire a Licensed HVAC Contractor

March 15, 2022

You may think you can save money by hiring an unlicensed company to work on your home’s HVAC system. There are several reasons why this is a mistake, and you should instead only hire a licensed HVAC contractor such as Unitedly Service Group. Unitedly Service Group is Licensed in Rochester, Minnesota, and Olmsted County, Minnesota. Licensed HVAC Contractors Have Insurance A licensed HVAC contractor has an insurance policy that protects you should things go wrong. The policy has a general liability, which covers damage to your home caused by the HVAC contractor. Unlicensed companies don’t have

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Signs Your AC & Heating System Need Attention

March 7, 2022

Unitedly Service Group has put together a homeowner checklist for common AC and heating issues in the home — for you to self-diagnose, before scheduling an appointment. Homes need a regular check-up, just like we do, to ensure proper efficiency. Use this checklist to help identify issues with your home that could be resolved – creating a safer and more comfortable environment for you and your family. Are you concerned about utility bills going up while your furnace, boiler, water heater, and air conditioner age?

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Heating and Cooling In One Simple Payment

February 22, 2022

  Rochester, Minnesota is a great place — but, let’s face it, one of the more challenging things is the extreme weather! With extreme swings in temperature ranging from scorching heat in the summer, to below-zero “arctic” conditions in the winter, your heating and air conditioning systems are put through their paces. This means that unexpected breakdowns and maintenance are bound to happen more frequently than you’d like to imagine and can be costly, if not dangerous to your family and your most valuable asset — your home. On top of these worries and unforeseen

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Keeping Your Furnace at Its Best for as Long as Possible

February 15, 2022

Keeping your home warm on cold days is crucial. It’s just as crucial to maintain the high performance of your furnace for as long as possible. Recognizing the needs of your heater on your own can be tricky. Here are some tips on how you can keep your furnace thriving for years. Get Seasonal Maintenance Done The best way to give your furnace a longer life expectancy is to consistently have an HVAC professional address any issues that arise. Investing in yearly maintenance for your system is almost always worthwhile. Even if it’s just a yearly

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How a Furnace Keeps Your Family Warm

January 13, 2022

On a cold winter’s day in Rochester, Minnesota, there is nothing quite as enjoyable as watching the snow fall from the warmth of your home. Understanding the basics of how your furnace works can help ensure your comfort and keep the equipment functioning as it should for many years. Comprehending the Heating Cycle Your furnace warms your home by repeatedly going through a heating cycle. It starts when propane or natural gas is ignited. The heat from the flames causes the heat exchanger to get hot. The exhaust produced from the combustion leaves your home through

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5 Reasons Your Furnace Is Producing Noise

December 20, 2021

Whenever we get called for a furnace malfunction, the most common complaint is that the furnace is making strange noises that the owner has never heard before. Below is a list of five common reasons why your furnace is making noise. 1. Heat Exchanger May Be Cracked Cracked heat exchangers produce rattling sounds. Heat exchangers are usually made with metal coils that are heated through combustion to warm up the air. Over time, the expansion and contraction of these metal coils can cause them to crack, causing the rattling sounds as they expand.

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